
Showing posts from August, 2017

coming up with characters

once chrome has all of the sprites done, i plan on publishing a post on lemmasoft and possibly finishing a proper website for aspen. everyone's character cards will look something like this: at least for the main characters. (shriek, prism, cyan, and... maybe jackie. i'm still contemplating whether or not i should include their portrait in the game.) you'll notice that i include their good qualities and bad qualities. not that they are in direct correlation with one another, but hey. they're there. what qualities come first: good or bad? bad. bad, bad, bad usually comes first. i like having bad or morally grey characters. prism is the exception since he's intended to be a good person. i feel like it's fine to have the amount of good traits outweigh the bad or vice versa, as long as the character still seems well-rounded at the very end. in this sense, i feel like prism is lowkey a bit more complex than the other characters. he does hav


a visual novel / murder mystery where you're the killer and you have to convince everyone you're not what makes this feel difficult is that you're a fidgety nervous guilty little goblin technically speaking there are no good endings just a true ending reputation system determines whether or not people suspect you at all umm i dunno i just kinda wanna make a short vn about ignite but i can't think of one this could be cool but it could also end up being way too long

another dumb idea

monster high school dating sim i actually had this idea like first semester of high school all i really had was a yeti that likes to sleep, a werewolf that likes to run, a genderfluid spider that likes to act like she's queen of everybody but they not, and a fuckin uhhh... alien that is scared of humans oh the irony

annoying ideas that have been floating around

i'm just gonna give them really simple names since i'll probably never touch on them but hey it's nice to dream. oracle simulator a friendship sim/rpg taking place in the same universe as aspen. it'd be about playing sort of as the guy behind the computer, managing superheroes and telling them where to go as well as how to fight. the way that you treat them changes their behavior in battle, and in some cases the people they're willing to work with. a spiritual sequel to aspen. i really wanna do this, and i kinda feel like i could. i just don't have a lot of ideas? i'm afraid i'm taking too much inspiration from darkest dungeon. also, really important to get aspen done before i try anything else. especially something this complicated. dnd is fucking complicated a visual novel/rpg where you play a dnd campaign. hopefully a comedy with a bunch of 4th wall breaking where you try and fight the dm on dumb ass shit. really unreal

getting a good start on aspen

i'm really happy to acknowledge that aspen isn't one of those bajillion projects i think about doing and then i just... don't. i'm super lucky to have such great artists with me, too. right now, we only have the sprites for riley. it might seem like a little bit, but to me it's such a huge step. i've written about 25% of the script so far. i haven't done much in terms of coding,(aside from points earned from choices) so i know that release is a long ways away. but i know we'll get there. i'm dedicated, and so is my team. it makes me sooo happy to hear my friends excited about the release. i dunno, it's dumb. i don't usually get sappy, emotional, or sentimental, but... i'm excited. everyone's gonna see my characters, and i'm not gonna do my damnedest to shove them in a corner. i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure it's good. too bad i'm really bad at putting my name out there and no one's p