
Showing posts from 2018

writing a story

a friend came to me the other day telling me they had an idea in their head about a story for a while, but they were afraid to do anything since in the past someone told them their writing was terrible and they would never get published. first off, who fucking talks like that? like. just in general. this isn't fucking naruto, just live your best life and stop hurting people. but while this made me livid people like this exist, it had me thinking about how hard it can be to get yourself motivated to start writing. maybe you don't have an idea. maybe you think your writing is garbage. maybe you don't know how to write. well, i'm here to tell you that all of those insecurities are completely valid. but you shouldn't let them get in the way of having fun and doing what you want. here's some hot knowledge about aspects of my own creative writing process that'll hopefully help you and some of my friends out too. i'm mostly gonna talk about planning and n